I know, I know, the last place you want your
politics is on an
artist's blog...but even these lines blur, not only for political and editorial cartoons, but with the recent push of the
Hideous, truly. I
Urge you all to check out the
latest (if you haven't already). This
affects you and your work, everything on
our blogs could be
taken away from us and used by giant corporations, in effect, we'd have to
buy back our own drawings!? And believe me, none us could afford to.
Anyway, I want to talk to you about another of my, er,
tomorrow is
election day, please, dear God,
vote! As a fervent supporter of a greater-than-two party system, I understand any cynicism about finding
actual change and the Herculean task to bring it about--but my
urge is to ask all of you
Californians and fellow transplants to look closer at the
propositions, namely
PROP 8. If you have a TV and you've turned it on once in the past couple months, you've seen what you probably thought were
SNL "skits" showcasing performers
pretending to be parents, preachers and teachers, attempting to
BAN (i.e. discriminate) gay marriage. Hilarious AND repulsive, no matter which way you "
swing". Ah, who could forget such classics as
"The King and the King", you
can buy it HERE on Amazon! Speaking of swingers, my favorite is when the rosey-cheeked (see: "fat"), woman and her chubby-chaser hubby cry:
"they are eight years old for God's sake" or some such thing. To which I propose,
WHAT'S WRONG WITH TEACHING CHILDREN TOLERANCE??? I might add, most of those impressionable young beings could grow up to be--
GASP! tolerant adults! Could you imagine? Oh, the horror...
...speaking of, you know that couple in the ad are into twisted, kinky shit behind closed doors. The
priest, teacher?
Total pedaphiles. That's why I ask you, I mean,
urge you to
look closer, think about what it means to
eliminate rights, because that's what allowing the proposition to pass will do. Regardless of how you
"feel" about same-sex relationships, it shouldn't be our place to tell people they can't be
miserable like the
rest of us married folks! hahaha
VOTE NO ON PROP 8!!! I'll say it again:
NO on 8!I might add,
NOT voting is the
same thing as allowing it to pass!
For more info, check out
NO ON PROP 8 DOT COMAnd now some
art! These marker designs were from a
freelance gig with
SIX POINT HARNESS a couple years back called
"Capital Zoo". Can you name, spot all the pundents, politicians, mayors and muckrakers?