I know I'm now 2 days behind in posts, but only just delivered my last deadline moments ago.
That being said--and I know this isn't a typical post for me--while elbows deep in graphite lead and erasure shavings, I overheard on the news of the passing of not one, but TWO of my childhood heroes...albeit on opposite spectrums and for different reasons--
and most definitely developmental stages:
Mark "The Bird" Fidrych, former all star pitcher for the Detroit Tigers and
Marilyn "Behind the Green Door" Chambers
both died yesterday.

While I never had the opportunity and pleasure of making the acquaintance of Miss Chambers, as those that know me might assume due to my
past encounters; though that's not to say I didn't spend a lot of...er,
time with her-- I did, however meet "The Bird" several times during my youth. I can't recall what did it for me, in terms of idolyizing a baseball pitcher, having traditionally been a horrible player myself, almost always delegated to (far) right field. I will say I have more than one autographed ball from him and had an uncle that worked as an usher in the
old Tiger's Stadium that was able to make the introduction.
My Uncle inconsequently was missing a thumb do to some sort of saw and/or assembly line accident.
More tomorrow!