Thursday, September 20, 2007


While I'm waiting to see if it's cool for me to post some more freelance I've been doing; I thought I'd share a few glorious items I recently came across on the web. Please behold the masterful, 1970's Plastic Man work by Ramona Fradon. Next to Jack Cole; she was really the only other artist that I felt really had a grip on the slippery Eel O'Brian (Plas' real name, for those uneducated!). She and these pages (in their printed, published form) were actually my first exposure to our pliable paladin way back when. Ramona's work was equally influencial to me as Jack Coles--and as instrumental in the developement of our Warner Bros. PLASTIC MAN pilot that never aired (PLEASE bug Cartoon Network about it!) Stephen DeStefano even snuck "FRADON PARK" into our Plas storyoard (let's see if I can dig that BG up and post it!). Consequently, I feel Stephen DeStefano also has the mastery of skill, line and dark humor to handle Plas--and the ONLY one (myself included as being NOT included--(over me hands down)), qualified to do so, in my opinion, in today's day. Man, I wish I could share with everyone his beautiful, beautiful the meantime, enjoy Ramonas...

1 comment:

sdestefano said...

You Sicilians. Always so sentimental.
You crazy, Andy, but of course I thank you for your praise! Miss you too, pal. Hope all's well...