I'm not entirely sure why I've been keeping it under wraps, maybe I'm afraid they're liable to take me off at any second--but I'm the artist on the new
BATMAN: BRAVE & the BOLD series hitting comic shop shelves
tomorrow. It's based on the new animated show, which I helped with for a minute
(more on the fun yet bittersweet sting of working on someone else's take on Plastic Man later)--design-wise, the show was/is attempting something somewhere between
Bruce Timm and
Genndy Tartakovsky's CLONE WARS stuff--which, as you know I worked on. James Tucker is a genius, as well as
Ben Jones--who are really giving the show a its own "voice", separating it from all the other attempts at the Caped Crusader. The mood of the show is light, "jazzy" and intentionally
(I think) cheesy. I read an article about it that said:
"It's The Dark Knight without the darkness", which I thought was pretty dead-on. In the end, it's just fun--and I've had a blast working on the book with
MATT WAYNE, who's an incredible writer and super collaborative, creative and cool; he's able to totally harness that tongue and cheek
"wink, wink, nudge, nudge" feeling of the show
(in which he writes, as well), and carry it over to the comic's medium. Plus, he doesn't use too much dialog balloons to muck up the pages! hahaha. Seriously, couldn't imagine anyone else writing these. I'm also still working with
DAN DAVIS, an amazing artist in his own right, who's inked my stuff on the
GYM PARTNER books and
RACHEL GLUCKSTERN, our editor at
Look at these amazing finishes by Dan:

That being said, I doubt anyone would have hired me had they knew I was using these old
HOSTESS FRUIT PIES ads as inspiration
(hey, the show hadn't aired yet!). Here are some of my pencils from a sequence from
issue #1 and you'll see what I mean. Can't you picture Lex Luthor
(the old, WAYNE BORING version--Matt's idea) licking his chops, eating some of that
"flaky goodness"?

This page below is the perfect spot for the Hostess Fruit Pie ad:

P.S. Sorry for making
POWER GIRL look like a