Thursday, April 29, 2010


Time and budget restraints (no money) necessitated I color this promo piece myself. I ended up somewhat happy with what I ultimately came up with--although I still need to adjust some transparency layers and whatnot. I don't want to give away the final image just yet. If you are attending San Diego Comic Con this year, you can pick up an Image Yearbook they are putting together to promote their books being released in 2010.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


--Feel free to read into this panel anyway you want; if I don't get this done soon, Joe's gonna kill me!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I'm currently culling through what seems to be endless files searching for additions to do an updated portfolio (I'll be back on the job market soon!), when I came across this old freelance job I had done ages ago. It was being developed from a children's book called MOON DOG, if I'm remembering correctly. I was particularly pleased with the fact I was able to do this giant marker comp in one take (I think it was the scale of this thing that was so daunting)--I remembered being terrified I'd make a stupid mistake three quarters through. Markers are a lot less forgiving than photoshop and the convenience of a "command z"!